Tag: BlackNurses

Nurses create a solid mentorship circle of support to provide free resources and services to black nurse entrepreneurs.
Business, Trending

Nurses create a solid mentorship circle of support to provide free resources and services to black nurse entrepreneurs.

Amid the uncertainties of the world, a beacon of hope has arrived in the form of a support network for black nurse entrepreneurs. This elite circle is filled with a hand selected group of black women who were identified because they made a positive impact and changed the negative narrative about business ownership. They are now offering access to free resources and services that educate others how to use the same exact methods to become your own boss and buy financial freedom back from employers. Having big dreams with no idea where to start is daunting but these highly skilled nurse entrepreneurs know that a strong support system and exposure to connections are the key to forming an unstoppable network of women that smash through goals daily. They know that the best kept secret to...