Trump’s Ear Anointed (Jonathan Cahn) to be Cyrus II on Israeli Coin (Richard Ruhling)
Jonathan Cahn, best-selling author, Messianic Rabbi, says blood on right ear is anointing from God, Exod 29:20—
“Then you shall kill the ram, and take some of its blood and put it on the tip of the right ear of Aaron. Aaron was the high priest, but kings were also anointed and there’s an emerging role for Trump regardless of election results, says Richard Ruhling, author of How It All Ends.
Ruhling predicted war with Iraq before 9-11, based on Christ’s saying to read the book of Daniel. Daniel 8 has a ram-goat battle “at the time of the end” with horns on the ram representing Medes & Persians, but those areas are now Iraq & Iran, and a ram’s blood anoints Trump?
The goat horn is the first king of Grecia, but if “history repeats”, the goat’s horn could represent Trump—anima...