Sony said in January that it would create a car unit and explore entering the EV market.
Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images
Honda HMC -2.63% Motor Co. and Sony SONY -1.48% Group Corp. said Friday they intend to jointly develop and sell electric vehicles, bringing together two of Japan’s biggest names in a field where the country has lagged behind.
Honda and Sony said they aimed to set up a joint venture this year and begin selling their jointly developed electric vehicles in 2025.
The joint venture won’t own its own auto factories, but instead outsource manufacturing to Honda, the companies said. Sony will supply expertise in sensing, communication and entertainment, they said.
Sony said in January that it would create a car unit and explore entering the electric-vehicle market. Japan’s leading auto makers, including Honda and Toyota Motor Corp. , have fallen behind rivals such as Tesla Inc. TSLA -4.61% in the race to sell EVs.
Write to Kosaku Narioka at
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