Some Marc Jacobs customers spread word about the website glitch on social media.
Photo: Budrul Chukrut/SOPA Images/LightRocket/Getty Images
Some Marc Jacobs customers temporarily snagged pricey handbags at a 100% discount Tuesday morning due to what the luxury brand called an “inadvertent error.” The company canceled the orders after some customers bought multiple bags and spread word about the glitch on social media.
Chyna Dandridge, 24 years old, said she bought “The Year of the Tiger” mini jacquard tote bag and was only charged the cost of shipping. The handbag was listed at $325 on when Ms. Dandridge added it to her shopping cart, but the website automatically applied a discount for the full purchase price when she checked out.
Screenshot of a Marc Jacobs bag Chyna Dandridge tried to purchase.
Photo: Chyna Dandridge
“It crashed several times while I was on the website, but eventually I was able to put the bag that I wanted into my cart,” Ms. Dandridge said. She said she heard that people were ordering free handbags in a Facebook group dedicated to luxury products. “I’ve seen glitches happen in the past, and I know some people actually get the items,” she said.
Ms. Dandridge said she received a confirmation email for her purchase, but around noon she and others received an email from Marc Jacobs saying the orders had been canceled.
“Due to an inadvertent error on, our website temporarily showed incorrect product prices which may have affected your order(s).” the email said. “All orders placed with incorrect pricing have been canceled.”
Some states have laws that require retailers to honor pricing errors. It is unclear if the company will have to fulfill any of the purchases made while the glitch was live.
Marc Jacobs is owned by LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE, LVMUY -1.06% which didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.
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