Wall Street indexes wavered after the September jobs report showed a smaller increase in nonfarm payrolls than had been forecast. Here’s what we’re watching in Friday’s trading.
- Stocks in the crypto world, like bitcoin miner Marathon Digital MARA 2.79% and bitcoin wallet provider Coinbase, COIN -1.37% reversed premarket gains to edge down. The SEC approved Volt Equity’s ETF, which aims to track companies that hold a majority of their assets in bitcoin or derive most of their earnings from bitcoin-related activities.
- Vaxart VXRT -1.41% shares ticked up in early trading after the company said its oral Covid-19 vaccine candidate has shown it could reduce the airborne transmission of the virus in an animal model.
- Crude prices are climbing, and shares of energy producers are following them higher. Occidental Petroleum, OXY 3.54% Devon Energy DVN 3.80% and oil-services company Halliburton HAL 2.40% rose 0.9% were all on the rise.
A pump jack operated at a well site leased by Devon Energy Production Company near Guthrie, Okla., Sept. 15, 2015.
Photo: nick oxford/Reuters
- Accolade ACCD -4.26% shares dropped in opening trading after the employee health benefits company reported a loss for the recent quarter.
- Tesla TSLA -1.02% shares ticked lower after the electric-car maker said it is moving its headquarters to Austin, Texas, adding to a handful of Silicon Valley companies that have relocated there.
Chart of the Day
- China Evergrande Group EGRNF -5.26% ‘s path to the brink of default was littered with financial red flags. The property giant carried heavy debt loads, grew at breakneck pace and made it hard for outsiders to understand the company’s financial situation.
Write to James Willhite at james.willhite@wsj.com
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