The latest work from Iliyan Kuzmanov, If You Meet Buddha, Kill Him, is already receiving rave reviews in the literature community. The book is also going down well with consumers, reaching 15th place in the Amazon listings, as well as being named Number One in Greenwich Book Stores for October 2021. If You Meet Buddha, Kill Him was also among the Reader’s Favourite finalists of a huge book contest. It’s fair to say that Kuzmanov is kicking up a storm!
Speaking about the book, which explores what it means to be human, Kuzmanov himself revealed: “For me, it was a journey, spiritual, deep and honest.
“The title and the book’s main purpose was to create a notion of critical thinking, questioning, and living a happy life.
“I am coming from a place with huge problems, corruption, racism, gender inequality, anti-western notions, anti-civilizational, anti-capitalistic, anti-science. I wanted to create something that will make people think more. To provoke them to think more!”
Best Selling New York author, Steven Joseph revealed that Iliyan’s work even changed his opinion on enlightenment literature altogether.

He stated on Good Reads: “When I started practising Zen at the Village Zendo in New York, I would read books about finding enlightenment, and I never liked those books. But it made me realize that if you desire to attain enlightenment, you have to stop looking.
That is why I love this book so much. It is just about embracing what is right in front of you. I really enjoyed the short dharma pieces at the end. All well done.”
After being named among the finalists of the Reader’s Favourite book contest, critic Susan Sewell gave a glowing review of the rising star Kuzmanov.
She said: “If You Meet Buddha Kill Him! by Iliyan Kuzmanov is an engaging account of one person’s spiritual encounter with himself and God. The title immediately caught my eye, and its contents are just as stimulating.
“The included Zen Buddhist art is thought-provoking and quite stunning, capturing the essence of Buddhism in its purest form. The author, Mr Kuzmanov, eloquently depicts his spiritual journey, encouraging the reader to begin their own. By leading the reader down a beautiful, soul-inspiring path of philosophically enhanced experiences, Mr Kuzmanov lays the foundation for a life-altering experience.