Goldman Sachs said it would require eligible employees and visitors to receive a booster shot starting in February.
Photo: GABBY JONES for The Wall Street Journal
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. GS 0.13% again delayed its plans to bring employees back to the office in response to the spread of the Omicron Covid-19 variant.
The bank told employees in an email that they could work from home until Feb. 1, a company spokeswoman said Thursday. Goldman had instructed its workers earlier this month to return on Jan. 18.
Goldman had been among the more aggressive banks about returning to in-person work and had largely full offices as recently as last month, but Omicron forced a temporary rethink of those plans. The delay was earlier reported by Bloomberg News.
The bank has required Covid-19 vaccines for workers and visitors to its offices since last summer, and it is doubling down on those efforts. Goldman said last month it will require eligible employees and visitors to receive a booster shot starting in February. Employees who do work from the office are also required to test for the virus twice a week.
Write to Charley Grant at
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Appeared in the January 14, 2022, print edition as ‘Goldman Extends Delay in Return To Office Until Feb. 1.’