Jelena McWilliams, chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., said her resignation would be effective Feb. 4.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Chairman Jelena McWilliams resigned on Friday, the agency said.
Ms. McWilliams, a Trump administration holdover, had fought publicly with Democrats who now make up a majority of the FDIC board over control of the agency’s policy agenda.
In a letter to President Biden released by the FDIC, Ms. McWilliams said her resignation would be effective Feb. 4. She made no mention of board fighting in her letter.
“When I immigrated to this country 30 years ago, I did so with a firm belief in the American system of government,” said Ms. McWilliams, who was born in the former Yugoslavia, in her letter to Mr. Biden. “During my tenure at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, the United States Senate, and the FDIC, I have developed a deep appreciation for these venerable institutions and their traditions. It has been a tremendous honor to serve this nation, and I did not take a single day for granted.”
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