Warren Buffett’s “Woodstock for Capitalists” event is coming back in-person this year.
Mr. Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. said Tuesday its annual shareholder meeting, which pre-pandemic would regularly bring tens of thousands of people together in Omaha, Neb., will be held in person for the first time since 2019. The event is scheduled for April 30.
The in-person event will also be webcast for those who wish to watch remotely, the company said. The meeting was held virtually for the past two years.
Prominent live events in the business world in recent months have either been postponed or changed amid the spread of Omicron. The World Economic Forum, an annual event in Davos, Switzerland, where some of the world’s most well-known business leaders usually gather, was postponed last month and pushed back until early summer.
CES, the big technology conference in Las Vegas formerly known as the Consumer Electronics Show, pressed ahead this month but with a scaled-back crowd and was a day shorter than usual for safety measures.
Berkshire, the Omaha-based conglomerate, runs a large insurance operation as well as railroad holdings, utilities, industrial manufacturers, retailers and auto dealerships. It also holds large investments, especially in the stock market. The diversity of Berkshire’s operations means Mr. Buffett is in a unique position to discuss both the state of the economy and markets.
Berkshire plans to publish its 2021 annual report on Feb. 26.
Write to Camille Furst at camille.furst@wsj.com
Corrections & Amplifications
CES, the big technology conference in Las Vegas formerly known as the Consumer Electronics Show, pressed ahead this month but with a scaled-back crowd. An earlier version of this article incorrectly said CES was last month. (Corrected Jan. 25)
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