NEW DELHI: Shiv Sena chief Sanjay Nirupam on Wednesday raised doubts over Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan‘s rapid recovery following a stabbing incident, questioning how someone who underwent a six-hour surgery could be discharged in just four days.“The auto driver said he saw Saif in a blood-soaked condition after the attack, and the surgery lasted for four hours. But four days later, I see Saif jumping and walking into his home,” Nirupam said, expressing disbelief over the actor’s swift restoration.
He additional added, “Mumbai citizens and I had some innocent questions, that I have raised… Has the medical sector progressed so much that Saif Ali Khan comes to his home jumping and dancing (after the attack)? It should be revealed how deadly the attack was and how badly he was injured. The family should come forward and disclose this because, after this incident, such an atmosphere was created in Mumbai that the law and order of Mumbai has collapsed, the Home Ministry has failed, the Maharashtra government has been ruined, and every citizen in Mumbai is unsafe. The way Saif came out (of the hospital), it seems as if nothing happened four days ago… I want to ask the doctors, can a person whose operation lasted for six hours come out in such good shape within four days?”In the meantime, Shiv Sena (UBT) MP Sanjay Raut praised Saif’s restoration, calling it a “medical miracle.” Chatting with ANI, Raut acknowledged, “Saif Ali Khan’s recovery is a medical miracle. I wish him good luck for his health. He is a good artist of our country… No matter how deep the knife was lodged, he is alive and standing on his feet. I feel that the doctors of Lilavati Hospital have performed a miracle.”Nirupam mentioned, ” The best way Saif got here out (of the hospital), it appears as if nothing occurred 4 days in the past… I need to ask the medical doctors, can an individual whose operation lasted for six hours come out in such good condition inside 4 days?”“Mumbai citizens and I had some innocent questions, that I have raised… Has the medical sector progressed so much that Saif Ali Khan comes to his home jumping and dancing (after the attack)… It should be revealed how deadly the attack was and how badly he was injured. The family should come forward and disclose this because, after this incident, such an atmosphere was created in Mumbai that the law and order of Mumbai has collapsed, the Home Ministry has failed, the Maharashtra government has been ruined, and every citizen in Mumbai is unsafe,” Nirupam added.In the meantime responding to Nirupam’s comment, Shiv Sena (UBT) MP Sanjay Raut praised Saif’s restoration, calling it a “medical miracle.” Raut mentioned, “Saif Ali Khan’s recovery is a medical miracle. I wish him good luck for his health. He is a good artist of our country… No matter how deep the knife was lodged, he is alive and standing on his feet. I feel that the doctors of Lilavati Hospital have performed a miracle.”
The Bollywood actor had suffered stab wounds to his thoracic backbone final week when an intruder, recognized as Bangladeshi nationwide Mohd Shariful Islam Shehzad, allegedly broke into his Bandra dwelling with the intent of theft.Khan was admitted to Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital instantly after the assault and was discharged on Tuesday, simply 4 days after present process surgical procedure. The incident sparked issues over Mumbai’s regulation and order state of affairs, with Nirupam emphasising that the severity of the assault needs to be disclosed to the general public.The accused, Shehzad, was apprehended on Saturday in Thane’s Hiranandani Property whereas trying to flee to his native village in Bangladesh’s Jhalokati district. The Bandra Vacation Court docket has remanded him to 5 days of police custody for additional investigation.