Bitcoin, Netflix, Peloton, Coinbase: What to Watch in the Stock Market Today

Wall Street stock indexes opened lower after disappointing earnings reports from some popular technology stocks. Here’s what we’re watching at the end of a rough week on Wall Street:

A Peloton stationary bike at one of the fitness company’s studios in New York, Dec. 4, 2019.

Photo: Scott Heins/Getty Images

  • Intel plans to invest at least $20 billion in new chip-making capacity in Ohio.
  • CSX is projecting that shipping volume will rise faster than GDP this year and reported a slight earnings beat.
  • Ally Financial reported lower earnings per share during the recent quarter from a year prior.
  • Huntington Bancshares also reported a slight drop in earnings per share.
Chart of the Day
  • Europe’s tech scene has struggled to emerge from the shadows of giants in the U.S. and Asia, but friendly local policies and a global overflow of investment capital are now giving the region a gusher of cash.

Write to James Willhite at

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